Wednesday 22 August 2012

Overly-sensitive people and their name issues -.-

Howdy y'all!!! (Have I convinced you that I'm from Texas yet!?!)

First and foremost, I would just like to say that today I watched the second episode of Grimm season two, and OH MY GOD I orgasmed and died! If you guys aren't copping any of that shit, you better get cracking 'cause I think it is fair to say that is easily one of my favourite shows on at the moment (and David Giuntoli isn't that hard on the eyes either (; (; )

Alright, now onto more pressing issues regarding people and their personal issues. As you guys know I have only recently started my second semester of uni, and our tutors are still making us students introduce ourselves at the beginning of each tutorial as if we were a bunch of Kindergarten kids. "Hi, my name is Josh, and these holidays I went on a trip to my kitchen." Well, I had to say that I travelled somewhere! One chick went on a two week shopping spree in New York, and some guy went to Switzerland to visit family... SWITZERLAND!!!! What the fudge!! I hate them all! And some girl was like "I didn't do much, I just spent a week in LA." ... oh god, really? That's so unfortunate!! Let me get you a fucking kleenex!!

Anywhoodles doodles, so when the tutor calls out our names, he asks us if we have a preferred name by which to go by.
"Hi, my name is Daniel, but you can just call me Dan."
"Hi, my name is Alexandra, but I prefer Alex!"
"Hi, my name is Xing Tong Gan Lu, but please call me Kate."
Anyway, when it comes to myself, the tutors always seem to ask "Do you prefer Joshua or Josh" to which I always respond "Oh I really don't mind! Whatever is cool!" At which point everyone seems to turn around and give me an epic dirty and the tutor reluctantly and confusedly says "... Okay then..."

WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE AND THEIR NAMES?!?! Why is it such a sensitive topic of discussion for the majority of people I seem to meet at uni?!?! I honestly couldn't care less what people call me. I have friends who prefer to call me by other names 'cause I remind them of a friend or a tv actor. My mother calls me Jahesh (the Arabic word for donkey) for christ sake! But as of recent, I have come to realise that people's sense of dignity and self-being anchors itself quite heavily in what people call them.

Now this is something that I cannot relate to, and I believe that I have come to offend quite a few people with my politically-incorrect name-calling ways. I have a friend called Ada (pronounced Aye-dah) but I unconsciously pronounce it "Add-ah" or, in one particular case, "Udder". I have met a Kady (like the Mean Girls Kady!) and I pronounce it like it is spelt, as opposed to how its suppose to be pronounced, "Katy". Cause, you see, with my friends, I call 'em whatever the hell I want to call 'em! "Natasha" translates to "Tashy" or "Slut-faced hoe bag" (not that far from the original pronunciation) and "Chloe" becomes "Chlo" or "Cow".

I think some people just take themselves way too seriously to be honest. And don't get me wrong, if I've only just met you, I won't substitute your name for a swear word indefinitely, but don't lose the plot if I create a nick name for you!

I mean, I've already planned out the names of my children! They're gonna be Daenerys, Beatrice, Heidi, Cricket and Todd (aren't they just the hottest names?!?!) and I'm already expecting myself to call them a shitload of other nick-names!

It's even more scary when people get aggressive about certain nicknames you call them. "Josh, if you call me Mandy Pandy one more time, I'm gonna rip your balls off!" ... Wooooe, chill out sister from another mister! Don't get your knickers in knots if I'm trying to create a connection here!

Okay, you guys probably think I'm taking it a bit to far, and yes, I admit I am, but still, some people need to chill out! It's cool when people call you other names, I love it, I think its a sign that we're bonding! Unless you don't want to bond with me cause you don't want to be friends... BE MY FRIEND GODDAMMIT!!!!

Okay, thats enough from me! Talk to y'all soon!

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