Thursday 16 August 2012

Explaining Idaho!

Howdy you guys!
Okay, so, I've only had my blog now for, what, two days. And, already, I've had almost everybody who has stumbled across my blog asking WHY DID YOU CALL YOUR BLOG DRIVING TO IDAHO?! WHAT IS IDAHO?! YOU HAVEN'T EVEN GOT YOUR LICENCE YET! and so on and so forth. I guess that is my fault, its a pretty abstract title and I owe y'all an explanation :) (so please don't kill me!)

If you guys were dedicated enough to google my title at all, the first thing that would have come up in the google search would have been the youtube video for 'Idaho' by British/ American artist Nerina Pallot. And this song has been something that has meant quite a lot to me over the last few years of my life. It's all about letting go and finding freedom, and sort of captures all that emotion when you suddenly realise that you just don't want to be anyone but yourself, you don't want to pretend to be someone else anymore.

Yes, yes I know, I'm going all teenage angst on you, but please, you love it! And one of the lines in the song is "My hands are on the wheel so I'm driving to Idaho" and Idaho is symbolic of freedom and liberation (totes letting my inner HSC English student out!). And that's really what my blog is about: freedom of expression and being a little teenage girl chucking spaz attacks over the internet. Oh so very FITTING :D There's a bit of incorporated irony in the song as well because Idaho is a state in the US which is extremely Republican, and Republicans aren't necessarily the most liberal kind of people out there. But the natural beauty of the state really counteracts all this negativity.

It's actually a funny story how I stumbled across this song. A few years back I had this extreme obsession with America (I still do, hence why I'm doing American studies at uni) but anyway, I started memorising like all the states of America (cause I obviously lead a very busy life with so many important things to do -.-) and I'd like wikipedia them and try and learn as many facts as I can about each one. Anywhoodles, by the time I started googling the state of Idaho, this particular song would constantly pop up in my google search, and I'm just thinking "Who the fuck is this bitch, constantly staring at me from this youtube video window?" I finally gave into pressure and listened to it... and I instantly fell in love!! I mean, that's how VEVO works, right? They keep putting up these songs by no-name artists who payed them tons of money in the side list of videos whilst your watching your videos and they keep bugging you till you eventually click on them them! Bloody marketing, why do you work so well?!?!

So, yes, that's why my blog is called what its called :) I don't care if you think it's cheesy, my mum thinks its pretty neat (I'm so gangster). And also, it has a nice ring to it! If you say it to yourself over and over enough times, it eventually sinks in :D

IN OTHER NEWS I hate how the only day of uni I have off is the day I have work -.- I'm at uni this semester four days a week (so unheard of for an arts student) but it doesn't matter cause I have a 9 hour shift at work on my friday off!! Just epic! And I always say to myself "Josh, you've got to do some form of study before you start work" but pfft, as if that will ever happen. It's sort of like when you set your alarm to 6 am in hope that you wake up early to do some exercise before you start your day, but in reality you just turn off the alarm when it goes off and go back to sleep, only to wake up at 11. Bloody oath.

Anywhoodles, thanks for reading you guys! I feel like I don't even know how to end off blogs! Do I do it like I would end of letters, like 
Yours sincerely
(insert signature)
Hot Josh
or do I like just say Bye. 
or do I just leave it hanging all awkwardly? 
Or should be all XOXO Gossip Girl <3

I don't even know. Let's just leave it at toodle doo! 

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