Sunday, 18 November 2012

Everybody's a 'whore' :)


How are my darlings today? 

What do I want to address in this blog made in Idaho?? Well, just a very laid-back and happy-go-lucky question along the lines of: WHY IS THE WORD 'WHORE' SUCH A TABBOO REMARK IN  TODAY'S SOCIETY?!?! 

Okay okay, maybe I understand why it is, but the revolutionary message that I am here to share with all of you guys is the fact that we are all, indeed, whores! 

How do we define whore? I define it as a sexual person. And, let's be real here, we are ALL sexual persons. It's not me speaking, it's science! It is scientifically proven that we all like a little action on a lonely Friday night... I am pretty sure. Why is that? I dunno. It's written in The Origin of Species... somewhere... 

Why is it that our society is so afraid of sexual promiscuity? Yea, I do believe that going around and sleeping with randoms is not the best thing you can do for both your physical and emotional health, but WHY is there such an emphasis on degrading people (in particular but not restricted to women) in regards to their sex life? 

I mean, let's think about this for a second, right. Smoking is, for an example, an activity that people engage in that is extremely detrimental to their health. But in a Christian household, for an example, a smoker does not cope close to a quater of the abuse that a sexually ambitious woman would. WHY?!?! Why can't we use phrases like "OMG do you see that girl dancing in the corner? Yea, she is such a smoker" as opposed to "... she is such a whore!" 

And I do not pose this question as a literal question, I do understand that there are many cultural and religious reasons why whores are degraded, and I'm not here to debate this. Rather, I would like to give you guys a few pointers/examples/ideas that will hopefully prove to you that we, the human race, are all complete and utter whorebags, and the sooner we come to realise this, the sooner we will all be able to rejoice together in our slutty ways! 

Josh's amazing list of examples of everyday activities/ aspects of our lives that make us whores!!!!

Clearly, I have extraordinary title-making skills -.-

1. Exercising

"OMG babe I totally exercise so I can stay healthy and fit." 

Yea yea, okay, I believe you -.- That's a complete lie, and you know it! Why do we exercise??? So we can get hot butts and legs and muscles and chests and abs. Why? So we can be perceived as attractive. Why? SO WE CAN HAVE A HIGHER CHANCE OF GETTING LAID AT THE CLUB/ BAR/ SCHOOL/ CHURCH/ WHATEVER!!!!! 

When you go for that 20 kilometer jog at 6am on a Sunday morning, you're not doing it because you're worried about your cholesterol levels! It's because you want to lose weight and fit into that lingerie outfit you saw at bras'n'things the other day! (It's also an added bonus that your hot Brazilian neighbour (who is a lawyer and single) religiously attends to his garden bright and early every Sunday morning! Oh those Brazilians... )

Why do you go to the gym to lift weights? So you can use that "I can bench press you" pick-up line on any girl you might happen to fancy! 

Why can't we just not care about our looks and eat whatever we want and not care what our bodies look like??? Hmmmmm... And don't give me the health bullshit again. A fat person can still be healthy, don't be ignorant! They're just not as easily laid... ;) 

2. Slut-Shaming

"Do you know that chick Karen, yea, she is a total Hoe!" 
"Did you see what she was wearing to the Gym bro?! Faar what a ganga!" 

I will be the first to admit, I am something I like to describe as a whore-shamer-by-habit. I usually call myself a whore and my friends whores without really thinking through what I'm saying. This is a sub-category, I believe, of general slut-shaming. Because people are so insecure about their own sexuality, they proceed to call each other sluts and hoes. 

Girls call each other hoes because they're jealous that the other party is getting more action down south then they are, and guys slut shame other girls because they're frustrated that they can't get with them. The fact that guys don't generally get called sluts frustrates me, but that's a different topic all together. 

This jealousy simply reinforces the argument that we are all sluts! You know in the wild how animals fight with each other about who gets to mate who? Our version of this breeding ritual is called slut shaming. The only reason we do it is because we want to be the ones getting the action! 

3. Religion itself

I mean, have you ever really given it a proper thought as to why the vast majority of religions condemn sexual promiscuity? There are two ways I can answer this: 

The Politically Correct Answer: "Sexual immorality leads to various consequences for the individual in question. It is emotionally draining, may have extreme repercussions on their health and, overall, leads to them having an unstable and unfulfilling life." 

The Realistic Answer: "We live in a world run by men, and men do not like the idea that there might have been, at one stage or another, one or more penises from men other then themselves inside the woman they are married to. This woman is theirs and theirs alone. If the men themselves restrain from sex until they get married (which is extremely unlikely) they simply do this out of respect to their fellow males." 

Religion restricts us from doing a whole shit load of things. Why? It was constructed by males for males. Can't get any simpler than that. And let's understand something here, my fellow Idahoans, a woman who sleeps with simply her husband-to-be before marriage is still looked down upon by the religious. WHY?!?! Think about it! Men who have slept around are just going through a phase that all boys go through and they will eventually learn, BUT GIRLS?! God forbid! She's ruined for life! 

And once again, I'm not categorising all religious people. However, this is definitely the underlying thought to it. 

And why?! This comes back to the point of jealousy. We are SEXUAL BEINGS, hence why Religion finds it necessary to regulate sexual affairs. Religious people who degrade the sexually promiscuous are simply more articulate and polite slut-shamers.


Why are you reading this blog? Because you saw the word 'whore' in the title! You want to know about whores. You want to be entertained by the ways of whores. You're interested in whores. YOU ARE A WHORE! 

But, my darling viewers, I don't want you to take this in an offensive way! Once we take the power away from a word, it no longer hurts us! Gone are the days when we were sexually repressed, and here we are today in the 21st century, an era of liberation and freedom! Our sexuality should not be something that can be used against us to repress us, because our sexuality is US! 

Just like we no longer discriminate against people because of their race, gender or religion (or at least I would like to think we don't) we should not degrade or look down upon each other because of the number of sexual partners we have or the frequency of the sexual acts we engage in. 

Is it wrong? This is not for us to judge! Just like we don't degradingly judge smokers or people who like eating fatty sugary foods or Jews. 

We have to remove this stigma about sluts and whores out of our language and our society, because as soon as we do this, the sooner we can all realise that we are ALL big fat whores, and it's aye okay :) 

Oh how I love cheesy endings! I seem to do them oh so well ;) 

Hope you have a lovely week, be kind to others, treat your mothers well, don't take candy from strangers and use a condom if any interesting situations present themselves to you in a public bathroom cubicle in the next few days.

Believe me, some people needed to read that. 


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