Sunday, 10 March 2013

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Season 4 Episode 15

... Ooops I haven't blogged in a month... 

Whatever, you're excited I'm posting, SO today is all about the VAMPIRE DIARIES! 

Obviously if you haven't watched episode 15 yet (you're an idiot) but also don't read any further because obviously I will spoil a few things for ya. 

Now I have quite a few mixed emotions about this episode. I dunno, I mean, I liked it, it was exciting and fast-paced, which is saying something in light of the fact that Season 4 episodes 1 through to 14 have been SOO PAINSTAKINGLY BORING (okay, Elena is a vampire and she wants to be a human because she wants to grow old and... I dunno what else, but WHO CARES!) but on the same token, the show implemented and destroyed some extremely sensitive and edgy plot lines that don't seem to mean good news for the show in the long run. 

As a Vampire Diaries FIEND, I would like to enlighten y'all with my thoughts on this latest instalment of fang porn, but also explain why I thought this season has sucked thus far, what could have been done better AND what direction I, as a loyal fan, believe the show MUST take in order to make a speedy recovery from the rut it has landed itself in. 

Now, let's get cracking! 


I couldn't contain myself, I was doing backflips! Katherine is a fascinating character because she is a volatile combination of some absolutely riveting motifs and concepts: 
1. A complete juxtaposition of her doppelganger Elena 
2. Completely bathed in history
3. A genetic marvel
4. Her self-preserving nature
And I mean the list goes on. But really.. she's just a bitch and we love her! She adds a lot of spice to the show and her nature makes her the perfect vehicle to accelerate plot lines. Although the circumstances surrounding her return this season are questionable, her current possession of the Cure unquestionably intertwines her with the show's present storyline, which is only a good thing! 

Katherine's extended disappearances really annoy me, but I guess that's what makes Katherine Katherine. She is a total 'frenemy' to the Mystic Falls clan, however, I think that the producers should ally Katherine with Elena, Stefan and Damon for the rest of this particular season, seeing the looming threat of Silas. And even though I know that Katherine received a lot of attention in Season 2, I would really like a bit more insight into her life and her character. This would be the perfect time to do so! 

Bonnie has become a psycho-bitch

I don't have much to say about this point apart from the fact that it happened. I never liked Bonnie, her character in and of itself is quite unbelievable. It has become a joke amongst my friends and I that whenever we're stressed out about exams or are nervous about a particular life situation, we just say "Oh, don't worry, Bonnie will find a book." 

And it's so true and annoying! How many bloody times has the show created impossible situations for itself only to have this teenage little girl from some little random ass town in the USA to find a book and with one little spell seems to make waste to the complication. 

"Nobody can undo the 300 year old entrapment curse on the church tomb filled with 30 rotting vampires." "Oh, don't worry, Bonnie found a book." 
"It's impossible to kill an Original vampire! They have been around for a thousand years and are simply immortal creatures!" "Oh, don't worry, Bonnie found a book." 
"No one can raise Silas, he's been dead for thousands upon thousands of years!" "Oh, don't worry, Bonnie found a book." 

Oh deary me, CW, you build me up, you bring me down! 

And now she's out to sacrifice 12 people to bring EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER DIED back to life... I'm fucking confused. WHAT?! 

They honestly really need to do something about this. It's killing my life. The producers have to either analyse the scales of their story-line complications and bring them down a notch OR get Bonnie an ancient leader witch friend to help her out, because Bonnie is not capable of doing all this shit! I'm sorry! 

Elena turns off her humanity

Now this was one of the more interesting twists for me. Damon's dialogue throughout the season has definitely foreshadowed it, so I'm not gonna lie and say that I'm 'surprised', but I never thought that it would have actually happened. Now, I like it because Elena can finally be something other than a buzz kill. THERE, I SAID IT! Elena is a boring-ass character. She is the girl next door who sleeps with two brothers and yet retains a very high standard of sexual morality. She's the character whom we all say we love to our friends, but in the privacy of our own homes, infront of our laptop screens, we want to slap her across the face multiple times! 

This instantly triggered two possible future occurrences in my mind: 
1. Elena now has to take the cure in order to be normal
OR (and more likely to happen) 
2. Bonnie finds a book (when she becomes normal again, that is, or whatever normal means in Bonnie land) 

In the last few minutes of the last episode, Elena seemed to resemble Katherine in more ways than one, which then begged the question: "Was Katherine once a nice lovely girl like Elena, but than after she turned off her humanity became the sexy bitch we now know and love today?" Because, technically, Elena and Katherine are genetically identical! Does that mean that their innate personalities are identical? This brings up the scientific "Nature Vs. Nurture" debate, and I love it. If the producers decide to extrapolate on this point right here, it'll give the shows procession a much more in depth path to take.

And this basically means that we'll have two Katherine's in the show! Ummm, I'm definitely not complaining!!

It'll just be a shame when Elena (unarguably) returns back to her former self. I haven't even experienced the new Elena and I already love her much more than the old Elena... and that's saying something!

The Caroline/ Klaus/ Tyler mess

I love Caroline.

I don't like Tyler.


I'm sorry, but if the show is heading where I think it's heading, and that is making Klaus and Caroline a couple, I'M NOT HAPPY!

Reasons I don't like Klaus:

* He's killed every character that I've ever loved on the show
* His accent is not sexy
* He dresses like a goon
* He smiles like a goon
* His mouth looks funny
* He's a natural blonde (...bastard...)
* It's 'C'laus, not 'K'laus. Who the fuck do you think you are? A Kardashian sister or some shit??? do you wanna change your last name from 'Mikaelson' to 'Kikaelson' next?

^^^ These are all very mature grounds upon which an adult is allowed not to like another person. Just sayin'.

I think Caroline should marry Matt, Tyler should get it on with Phoebe Tonkin's character (whatever her name in the show is) and Klaus should just be staked already. His storyline is over, he's boring as hell, kill him off and present a new character! I'm not mean at all :)

So that's my opinion on the show this season. I'll keep you up to date with my thoughts as they change and develop! Let me know your thoughts! I shall leave you with the trailer for the next episode:

and my love! Love y'all chicadees!!! MWA!!!