Friday, 1 February 2013

did God heal you?


I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year! I've had a fantaby hoobily groovily break, and I am glad to be blogging once more. I have missed venting to you chickadees and I am so thrilled and excited for twenty thirteen that I have decided that I shall be blogging once a week, every week for the foreseeable months ahead! OMG, you're going to have to deal with my shit on a weekly basis? You better start stocking up on them painkillers, cause I'm telling you from now, you're gonna bloody need them! 

Today I come to you with a very interesting topic, namely being Divine/ Miraculous healing. Oh jolly good, we are venturing down the winding road of rudeness and offensiveness! As I always do, I feel it extremely important to explicitly state that I do not mean to offend anyone on my blog channel, rather I wish to express my opinions and, hopefully, that will allow for you to shoot me a message or leave a comment expressing yours! That's what I love about this, we're able to debate and discuss and share our thoughts due to the fact that we are all so boring and have nothing better to do with our lives :) GOD BLESS THE INTERNET! 

Okay, now onto defining the issue at hand. When I talk about divine healing, I am referring to the act of humans reaching out to a supernatural being, namely some form of God, for assistance during sickness, injury or possible death. Now I'm not necessarily religious so I see this as simply silly, but I have no problem with people praying to their higher beings for help. What I do have a problem with is their reactions after the ordeal is done. So, let's get into the itty-gritty of it with the help of subtitles, and let's get the ball rolling! 

Mercy upon the dying

Now I'm not gonna lie to you, there are a lot of things that people frequently do that confuse the crap out of me, but at the very top of this list is the prayers made by individuals to save loved ones from a foreseeable death. Don't get me wrong, I understand WHY people do it, and I even find myself praying to a God I don't believe in when faced with such hard and unfortunate circumstances myself, however, what absolutely gnaws away at me are people's RESPONSES to the outcome. To put it simply (and I do not mean to sound rash): 

Scenario 1: If the person lives- "It was a miracle! God answered our prayers! God is great, if it wasn't for him, he/she would have surely died!" 

Scenario 2: If the person passes away- "It was meant to be. God obviously has a plan and it was simply this person's time to die. It isn't that God didn't answer our prayers, it's just that he knows best." 

This absolutely kills me (no pun intended). The way I think about it is if you are going to praise God for answering your prayers if the person lives, then technically you should be cursing him and proclaiming that he doesn't exist if the person dies! If you're going to rave about this God's supernatural power and strength and so on and so forth if the person survives a surgery then you should damn well strip him of all his power and glory if the operation goes downhill. This is a perfect example of SELECTIVE BELIEF. 

I think Religious people should always react as they would in scenario 2. Not surprisingly, these are the same people that blame doctors and surgeons if a person doesn't survive a heart transplant but seem to completely forget that these medical practitioners even exist if the surgery was a success, and automatically attribute the terrific outcome to God's work. It just isn't clicking in my head. 

People who get VIP Godly healing

This is something that I have been asking myself from a very young age, and that question is "Why do some people get healed and some people don't?" 

It's sort of like when people are asked to pray for another individuals recovery and health. Does this mean that God keeps a tally of how many prayers each sick person receives and, if there are enough chalk strokes on the wall, he will save them? What if a person doesn't have anyone praying for them? Or what if they are praying to the wrong God? Now a religious person would automatically respond with "You are being silly and obnoxious! That is not how it works! Prayers are just a way of communicating with God, God knows what he's doing and that's that!" But then my answer to that would be: "Why pray?" Cause if what you are saying holds water, wouldn't it then be degrading to your God if you pray to him? Because I know if I've already made a decision that I am 100% certain is correct, I would be very pissed if I had a group of people nagging me and trying to sway my decision. 

And that still leaves the question of why some people survive operations/ sicknesses/ whatever and others don't. This very much bothers me because when I hear someone attribute a person's wellbeing to God I think of another sick person in my life who is not doing so well and I reason "Well why the hell isn't my friend doing well? Did God just overlook him/her because he was to busy helping your relative?" 

This is the same line of thought I mandate when I question why I was fortunate enough to be born into a first-world country and other children are born into poverty-stricken countries where chances are they won't even live long enough to see their teen years. Where is the rational for this selectiveness? And don't give me that "God works in mysterious ways" bullshit, that is such a cop-out answer. 

An omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent God needs YOUR opinion!

I think what drives me up the wall the most here is the fact that people mostly believe (again, depending on their religion) that their God knows everything: past, present and future. So if your God knows the future, why the hell are you praying for or seeking a miracle? A miracle by its very definition is something that cannot be explained due to its sudden and unexpected occurrence  and this goes completely against the grain of God being all-knowing. 

If you believe that God knows the future, or your religion specifies a non-changeable fate, what makes you think your prayers are going to do anything? What gives you the right to praise your prayers if a person recovers from a sickness? 

It's sort of like when Christianity states that the majority of the human population is going to hell. God obviously knows this because he knows the future, so why create us in the first place? I'd much rather be non-existent than spend an ETERNITY in an unpleasant place called hell. Heck, I can't seem to stand a 2-hour church service, what makes you think I will enjoy an ETERNITY of suffering?! It's sort of like you giving a hundred kids whom you love a present each, and five out of the hundred boxes contain good things like candy and unicorns and butterflies, but the other ninety-five contain diseases and flesh-eating zombies and crying babies *puke*. And you know exactly what the boxes contain. Why give them the boxes in the first place? 

The claim that a God is all-knowing and the claim that a God is a miraculous healing-worker who listens to prayer are claims that are like oil and water; they simply don't mix. 

Hopefully I haven't elevated your blood pressure too much :) So remember, if my blasphemes opinions have offended you, please let me know by commenting or messaging! And if you agree, comment or message anyway! ... I just want to be friends... BE MY FRIEND!!!! 

Have a great week chickadees, and I shall talk to y'all in a weeks time! And, in the spirit of confused memes: