Tuesday, 30 October 2012

How to: Survive a Conversation about Evolution with a Christian... Oh dear lord (no pun intended!)

First and foremost my darling chickadees, I am OH SO SORRY for not having posted in such a long time! I'm not gonna bother explaining myself 'cause I know you're all so vicious and won't care what I have to say and will tear me apart regardless of what I say, SO I will just jump into today's topic, a juicy one in my opinion ;)

Have you ever had the misfortune of talking to a Christian about Evolution? If you haven't, I envy you. If you have, I am positive you will be able to sympathise with me and know that you are not alone. I have encountered this dangerous point of discussion on multiple occasions, and coming from an extremely Religious family that likes to surround themselves with extremely Religious fanatics, I am not surprised in the slightest by this. The world according to Religious people is extremely fascinating and I believe that universities around the globe should have courses regarding the psychology of devout religious individuals, because honestly, they are WHACK! I don't mean to offend any of my religious readers, believe what you want to believe, I couldn't care less in all honesty, but sometimes the way that some people view the world just fascinates me! The fact that an individual is able to limit what they want and don't want to understand is just shocking to me, and the reflex reactions that a lot of Christians have to my views on evolution in particular (but not limited to) is truly something that should be documented and studied.

The reason why I do not conform to any religious group is because of the limited space available for freedom of thinking and learning, and any religious person who says that they are able to explore and understand everything there is to understand is kidding themselves, because Religion in itself does not allow you to explore all the avenues this world has to offer BECAUSE you are only allowed to believe in one thing and one thing only, and your life has to rotate around it.

Now back to evolution, throughout the past few years of my life, I think I have basically narrowed down all the ridiculous and hilarious ways that Christians react to the concept of evolution. I have compiled a list of the various reactions you might get when debating Darwin's work with devout religious people, and hopefully this will prep you so you know what to expect when you find yourself faring in such an unfortunate circumstance :)

I am not related to monkeys!!!!!! 

This is probably the most illogical and uneducated thing they could say, but let's not kid ourselves, we're not surprised that this came out of their mouths. Christians seem to have extremely large egos, they believe that a God that created the entire universe and existed forever made them in HIS image (note the patriarchy), that they are perfect and they are the only living organisms in the entire universe. Comparing them to monkeys is simply not on (even though the majority of them act and think like monkeys. In fact, it should be the monkey that gets offended at such a connection!)

What do you say in this circumstance? Say that no, evolution does not stipulate that humans are the cousins of monkeys, rather that we share a common ancestor with the Great Apes. They will reply "Apes, monkeys, all the same!!" It is at this point that you realise that talking to this person is making your IQ drop.

Evolution is just a theory! Scientists are stupid! 
I love this argument so so so much, because they basically shoot themselves in the foot! If evolution is just a theory, what on earth does that make your God??? How can something that has so much proof and evidence backing it up be inferior to a higher being that has close to no real proof attached to him! Evolution has been proven to such an extent that we have to deny our own existence to deny evolution. Thanks to scientific devices such as radio carbon dating and the study of fossils, we know for an absolute fact that evolution took place! How could you even bring yourself to argue that it is just a theory when it is YOUR RELIGION that relies on solely "faith" to hold itself up! All an evolutionist is to do is to say "Evolution is my belief that I hold close to my heart" to completely shut you up!

If evolution is just a scientific theory, that equates your religion to being a fairytale. That simple.

But the bible says so! 
The bible says a whole lot of things sweet pea, and let us remember that the majority of the world now sees the bible for what it really is: a book of compiled random stories that have close to no facts backing it up. They were stories told in farming communities, like folk tales in a sense, that suddenly have so much power amongst religious people because it is backed as the "Word of God." The bible states that the world is 4-5 thousand years old. We have scientific evidence that proves (hands down) that the world is 4 and a half BILLION years old.

How is this measured? Well, using similar strains of science that is used in hospitals to cure patients and improve the well being of humans. I believe that all people who disagree with the age of the earth as concluded by scientists should be withheld from all forms of medical treatments and technological advancements such as television and toilets and cars. It's only fair, I say. It's so blasting ironic when these television evangelists use their microphones and their recording station, things all created by scientists by the way, to blast and degrade people in the scientific community about their beliefs in evolution!!! Are you mad??? Go live in a cave for christ sake!

So my darlings, I hope I have equipped you with the necessities that you need to go to war with a crazy fanatic Christian! Keep using your brains and allow yourself to question everything around you, because that is the only way you can grow and get the most out of your life. Hopefully you can help some poor creationist see the light (I'm really outdoing myself with the humour today!).